Older Workers



This is a portfolio of packages for older employees in the workplace (it also applies to private clients).

The portfolio includes:

  1. The YOU review
  2. Change management
  3. Jobs and careers
  4. Identifying what is important to you at work
  5. Redundancy and how to survive it as an older worker
  6. Individual strengths
  7. Interviewing skills
The YOU Review

If one of your employees has to change jobs, or is thinking about changing jobs, or has to find a different job because of a change in personal circumstances, or is feeling stale in their current job but neither you nor they know where to go next job-wise, completing a ‘YOU Review’ will help make the process easier. Often we are so busy living life we forget to take time to take stock about what is important to us now.

  • Work through a process which will identify six jobs or types of position that interest you.  As we work through the ‘YOU Review’ you will assess the reality of how those jobs would fit your current life.
  • Reflect on what is important to you in a work environment.
  • Understand the values that drive the choices you make and how they impact (or not) on your day-to-day actions.
  • Work is one part of your life – take stock and examine the different areas of your life and what’s working, what’s not, and make plans for what you are going to do about it.
  • Discover your patterns of behaviour when changing jobs and what helps or hinders the process.
  • Career Success or Career Satisfaction or maybe not – review your working life so far.
  • ‘Aliens ate my underpants’ – identify reasons you might give for not taking action and the impact those reasons (or excuses) have on your working life.
  • Where to next – complete your action plan and decide how your progress is going to be monitored.
Change management

This session assists individuals impacted by change, whether in their personal or business life.

Participants will be able to identify and understand:

  • the process of change
  • the grief cycle associated with change
  • psychological versus physical change
  • reactions to change
  • the impact of change on yourself and others
  • signs of stress
  • practical strategies for dealing with transition.
Jobs and careers

Do you have to change jobs because of a restructuring or because of a change in your life circumstances?

Do you think you have nothing to offer an employer?

Is your confidence at an all-time low?

Are you thinking of making a job change and are not sure what type of job interests you?

Do you feel like a round peg in a square hole in your current job?

Using a reliable and valid measure of job interests to explore what appeals to you and relating that to specific types of occupation, this session will assist you to:

  • identify what interests you if you are uncertain about what you want to do (and are spending too much time being uncertain rather than taking action)
  • explore actual job and career options for you to consider
  • develop an action plan in relation to your career and become more confident in where you are heading.
Identifying what is important to you at work

What people seek from work can be a powerful motivator, but people are often not aware of what actually motivates them at work. What people consider worthwhile and rewarding in work can be quite influential in an individual’s personal and career development.

Whether you are working or not, and regardless of your age, this is a useful session. It will help you:

  • become clearer about what is important to you at work, rather than being carried along by what other people think is important
  • become more confident about what is right for you
  • consider the implications of the results in relation to what you are currently doing.

Based on a measure developed by Dr Robert Pryor, one of the world’s leading career development theorists.

Redundancy and how to survive it as an older worker

Globalisation and rapid technological change means that we can no longer expect to be ‘employed for life’. Instead our focus needs to be on being ‘employable for life’. How to survive redundancy is full of practical techniques about what to do and what not to do if your position is made redundant.

This session will assist you to:

  • examine your reaction to what has happened
  • take stock of where you are at the moment
  • develop your career robustness or ability to pick yourself up and move on
  • move your employment focus to one of being employable for life
  • develop a practical action plan for the next few months.
Individual strengths

Many of us do not spend enough time thinking about our own strengths and achievements. When it comes to communicating those strengths at a job interview, we often do not do it well. Nor do we have a clear understanding of how we can transfer our strengths to a new position or to the paid workforce.

This relaxed session will assist you to:

  • identify the strengths you have
  • identify those you would like to develop
  • develop strategies on how to do it.
Interviewing skills

Does the thought of having a job interview strike terror in your heart?

Do you want to review your interview skills?

When you are in the middle of a job interview do you struggle to find the right words?

Was the last time you had an interview a L-O-N-G time ago?

Regardless of your circumstances the answer to having a good interview is preparation, preparation, preparation, and you need to be ready for any type of question that comes your way. This session will help you prepare for an interview whether it is with one person or a panel.

During this session you will:

  • learn how to read a position description to discover the questions you are likely to be asked
  • practise answering technical questions, behavioural questions and general questions
  • learn about the importance of body language during an interview
  • identify your most feared interview questions and practise answering them effectively.

If you would like further information about these sessions, please email for details, or telephone Pam on 027 244 4303